
How can membership of ESN transform your business?

ESN builds upon the Win/Win Leadership habit of Dr. Steven’s Covey through our four outstanding benefits. “In the long run, if it isn’t a win for both of us, we both lose. That’s why win-win is the only real alternative in interdependent realities.” Each chapter builds upon the energy and ideas that is brought to the table.

Benefit 1: Learning & Growth

Our monthly meetings provide help with:

Presentations: Gain public speaking confidence and credibility through presenting your knowledge and skills to members.

Business Development: Learn from business professionals on the “how to’s” of business planning/marketing, and generally running a small business.

Industry Knowledge: Expand your knowledge by sharing ideas and experiences with like-minded individuals from your industry. This is one of the more powerful ways to increase your business know-how and improve your chance of success.

Problem Solving: Our Mastermind Sessions help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others in our industry. Brain storming ideas with our colleagues allows us to explore great new ventures and get informed, genuine feedback that helps you make the right business decisions.

Benefit 2: Networking & Support

Our monthly meetings provide:

Peer interaction: working from a home office or as a solopreneur can be lonely. Connecting with others who are on the same wavelength offers much needed support and encouragement. Search for someone who has gone through the same thing as you and who will be able to offer a fresh viewpoint and some excellent advice.

Collaborative working: Networking is all about building valuable relationships and you may find yourself working with other businesses in the group. That doesn’t just mean providing your service to them but also developing new and innovative ways of doing business and sharing services together.

Referrals: Network groups are a useful source of strong referrals that can boost your business. Working with a complementary business can build a partnership that allows you to provide your customers with a better service.

Benefit 3: Marketing Platform

Your company profile will be raised via ESN’s website through the access you gain by

  • Listing of your business website and logo on our Searchable Provider List
  • Opportunities to post Special event advertisements
  • Opportunities to post industry relevant articles
  • Promoting and sharing your events on ESN social media page

Benefit 4: Community Give Back

ESN is committed to giving back to our community. Our hope is to do this through Community Chats and mini workshops. All chats and workshops must be educational and of benefit to the community. Member participation is expected in the presenting, planning, organizing and set up of these community events.

Terms of Membership

Each chapter will be represented by one member per profession. The success of the network is dependent upon us working together as a team and being able to rely on one another for support and resources and to share the work. To that end, members are expected to:

  • Attend a minimum of nine monthly meetings annually.
  • Adhere to your assigned tasks and meeting agenda.
  • Be willing to share resources, ideas, knowledge and referrals with other members.
  • Give at least one pre-approved educational presentation annually.
  • Participate in presenting at, planning, organizing and set up of any community event that is held.
  • Promote and support ESN in our journey for excellence.
  • Maintain high professional standards.